Thursday, February 10, 2011

A few of Eddie's favorite things 3 months in...

So in his 3 months of life so far, Eddie has compiled a list of must haves. He says that he simply couldn't live without the following:

Nap Nanny coupled with Muslin blanket
1. Nap Nanny: This is the ultimate comfy, cozy chair for all babies and then it transitions into the ultimate toddler chair. We tried it out at my friends Danielle's house and it was an instant hit. We put him in, he sat like a little king and smiles went round for hours. This is also a great seat for babes with reflux. While our little one doesn't spend a lot of time in here, he does enjoy playing with his toes and toys in it as well as taking a nap.

2. Organic Cotton Muslin blankets: These are a definitely a must have for our little one. He truly enjoys covering his face in blankets and this is really breathable blanket for when he is in the car seat and I don't have my eye on him the entire time. These are also good for playing hide and go seek with your feet :)

3. Security blanket from Aden and Anais: Also a cotton muslin blanket piece with a fantastic satin ribbon edging. This provides "to die for" sucking and soothing. This one baffles me because we went to a class and they talked about babies getting attached to a lovie/security blanket and that it helps them feel safe and secure. So we bought one while he was all kinds of fuss fuss in his carseat and instantly he was happy. Amazing!

Sassy rings and foot catching
4. Whoozit, Sassy rings and any other Lamaze mirror and toys: We don't go anywhere without all of these items. It is quite amazing to me that as a 3 month old he has the attention span of an amoeba. Ok, ok so amoebas probably don't have an attention span…exactly my point :)

5. Aquaphor lotion: This is probably the best lotion for kiddos with super dry skin. Its totally paraben free and all other chemical free. So it s really really safe and good quality. I have to say that I was taken aback by the almost $20 per tub price but at the rate we are going it might last us several years. Eddie know that when he is in changing table and this tub comes out, it is LOTION time. Lotion time consists of my terrible singing which makes him laugh, baby massage and super moist skin. Oddly enough, we both really enjoy it!

6. Bebepod seat with the tray: So I learned that there are two types of Bebepods…one with a tray and one without. Somehow I didn't know this and now we proudly own two Bebepods…one without the tray and one with. Both are great, but out little sweet pea seems to look like the leaning tower of Pisa without the tray to help keep him upright. These are pretty great to sit him on a table or desk while we work or eat. The best part is that they transition into a booster seat.

7. Reading books with his dad: Some of the all time bests include "Thats not my tractor," "Thats not my puppy," "Thats not my truck,"etc

Lets see…Eddie also likes long walks, bubble baths, his daddy's bear hugs, being sung to, cuddles and lots of lovin'

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The revenge of the muffin top...

Its so ironic that when you are pregnant, doctors make sure that you are gaining a consistent amount of weight. Not too much and not too little. For me, the second we said we were trying to have a baby my body said, sweet, lets pack on 10 pounds for absolutely no reason. For my first trimester nobody knew I was pregnant, I just looked like a super happy and fat newlywed. Ha! I wish! Well, I take that back. I am and was and am incredibly happy newlywed but the additional 10 pounds had nothing to do with anything and it certainly was not a happy addition to our family.

So post birth, I think I ended up a near 60 pounds over my pre-preggers weight. Crazy huh?!? That number still shocks me to this day because I don't think I looked that big and I was eating a very well balanced diet and not indulging in fried foods, fast food, ice cream or candy.

I was eating a TON of fruits, veggies and hormone free meat. I feel a little slighted that I didn't eat more yummy foods for the weight that I put on, but now thats neither here nor there since I am post birth. Its been a horrible struggle with body image and confidence the last 13ish weeks. Right off the bat, I lost 25 pounds of just water weight. That felt great and I realized I had ankles and knees again :) Pregnancy cankles were not a hot look for me. Everyone around me kept/keeps saying that if you are nursing that weight will literally melt off in weeks. NOPE! With daily walks, post-partum yoga and eating really healthy, I have been able to lose an additional 20 pounds…awesome but I am still struggling to button my pants. After nine months of pull up pants and empire waisted shirts, I was dying to put my regular clothes back on. I have run into two problems: If I am able to get my jeans up my cellulite-y thighs, they are near impossible to button. The really stretchy ones button and then without missing a beat my muffin top spills right on over. EWWW! The other problem is and was my boobs do not fit into my pre pregger tops. I went from a solid A cup to a DD/E, so you can imagine what I look like in my shirts. I dread the day I stop nursing because I am quite certain I will return to being an A cup and hoping that I don't need to always wear an underwire bra to contain my saggy boobs. Ugggg! So, nursing tanks are my new best friend. Its absolutely amazing how truly unattractive they are but extremely convenient and useful. For quality, Bravado nursing tanks take the cake. For looks and a longer length, the Gillian O'Malleys from Target are awesome. So you are wondering…what do these stylish tanks look like. Plain spaghetti strap tank tops with some lace. Yes, lace! I say that with enthusiasm because the second I put on the tank, I felt girly for the first time in a long while.

So here is where I stand…15 pounds over my pre-preggers weight and plateauing. Some people said that they held on to this weight until they stopped nursing when the kid turned one. Thats another 9 months from now…fingers crossed that this is not my destiny. Its been hard enough the last 3 months trying to feel comfortable in my more to love body. The hubs has been so supportive and loving but yet I still feel horribly uncomfortable and unattractive in my stretch marked skin. I am truly envious of women that seem to regain their pre pregnancy figures so quickly after birth. Here is to losing a pound this week :)